At what point does a woman know that she is completely fulfilled in every term? How she know that the other person is the one that can makes you complete in everything? Frankly speaking, I'm no expert to define everything in every relationship should have or shouldn't have, yes or no, true or false. Everything I did was based on feeling and women intuition. But does feeling solely itself can sustain a relationship to be completed? I always have doubt on this particular statement. A relationship cannot just based on feeling itself, but also have to face the reality of the truth from the societies. Where does all true love that happen in fairy tales or a so called romanticism era had gone to? Where and when should we draw a line in between reality and fantasy?
Working in In2 for almost 2 months now. Every truth started to come out from each and everyone. Though I might shared the same kind of understanding with some colleagues but for me, I will stay in both side. Not to say that I play nice or to stay safe, but for me, each and everyone has their own role to play in the office. This is the way to make it a complete organization to run smoothly. Imagine if everyone play the same role in the office, how can this organization sustain?
Staying in a relationship with Mr.S is something that makes me feel complete. Why am I saying so is because we both share the same ideal of romance. I am a dreamer and I love to fantasize my romance to feel like we are in a fairy tale island. He compensates my dreams and he plays his part of role to make the story complete. He is my prince charming. I know this sounds like an impossible love story. But to me, this is just the beginning of something that I wanted to explore more and make it a complete chapters of our own stories. The ending has yet to come for each story, but what I am hoping is that our love story will come to the never ending part that will continues infinitely. I know I might be too idealistic, but in this world, nothing is impossible. If it really wants to come to an end, I hope I will close it beautifully that everyone can inspired by. I do not know the future, I do not know what and how this story of us will go, but all I know now that I appreciate every moment that I can cherished even though it might just be a one short sentence of sms. Here I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you again, because you complete my other half that I thought I had lost.
Getting deeper into a relationship is suppose to be getting along well and going smoothly. Yet, some still feel the burden of pain and happiness on the same time which is nothing to be called smoothly in a relationship. This is the beauty of life, imagine the relationship only heading to one direction and never change to the peak of happiness or the bottom of sadness, the relationship is in monotonous, what is the point of it then? If you never tasted agony or sadness, how would you know there will be happiness. Monotonous relationship will be a shallow relationship that have little depth of understanding. Well, of course I do not wish to have a very drastic change of peak and bottom, which I already experienced in this relationship within just three weeks. Just because I had experienced it, I realized more that each and everyday I had spend with Mr.S is something that I have to cherish and let the spontaneity of life takes its role to help me complete each day of chapters in my stories.

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