Little Things That I Treasured The Most
Being with Mr.S is something that will always be in my heart. Here are some little things that I shared with Mr.S which I treasured the most.
Little Thing Lists:
- I love it when you smile. If one day we lost one another, the first thing that flashes in my mind is your beautiful smile.
- I love it when you hold my hand each time wherever we are. I felt so secure and never worry because I know you will always be there to catch me whenever I fall.
- I love it when you give me a rush and sudden passionate kiss. I still remember the first time I got such a kiss was when we were heading home from Bangsar and we both drove all the way along each other till you could not help it anymore but to call me and stop at the side of the road. You gave me a very passionate kiss as soon as I opened my car door. Never will I ever forget this no matter what the fade will bring me to.
- I love it when you confessed your feeling and sentimental values to me. You shared and have no worries of expressing yourself like a true poet.
- I love it when you tease me. Though to others, teasing might sounds like an offending action, but to me, you always know when and how to do the teasing. Never will you go overboard of your teasing.
- I love it when you told me "I am the only one" followed by a sentence that brings out the meaning of "liking me a lot". I know the word "LOVE" is something that you will never express till you know the right moment to come or perhaps it is something that you will never say but only to show through the expression of our action itself.
- I love it when you said that you miss me a lot even though we are just beside each other.
- I love it when you snores to indicate how tired you are after we shared our precious moment together.
- I love it when you caressing me and never is all about just sex.
- I love it when you shares everything with me, from the most private conversation such as making love to direct confrontation with the most gentle direction that you can possible come out with.
- I love it when you pay attention to every details in our conversation, in our daily routine of spending time and almost everything that related to me. Never will you forgot what I've said. *Though sometimes I myself did not even realized that I even mentioned it.
- I love it that you never fail to give me a hug whenever I need it. No matter how tired or busy you are, you always give me a hug whenever I requested it or when I head to the lowest point of my mood.
- I love it when we just know each others' next step even though we did not hint it out. Such a coincidence to you might sound like the possibilities that you might stats it out, but to me, it is something of a mutual understanding to the degree of what we so called as "soul mate".
- I love it when you suddenly sing a song to me. This is truly something new, because never will a guy ever expressed through serenading with a song even in public places to me. I will never forget that you sing the most beautiful song under the moon in Melacca Jonker Street stage. *Tian Mi Mi - Teressa Ting.
- I love it that you always clarify what you said and tried your best of sending the right message and never give a room for misunderstanding or miscommunication. For me, clarification is the hardest and I always deliver it in a mess. However, you always understood what I've explained, even though some make no sense at all.
Never that I experienced such feeling with any one before. You are the only one that truly appreciate who I am, my passionate feeling and never fails to tell me or show me your gratitude. These are the 15 lists that I can come out for now so far. But I believe there will be more to come because we have more to share.

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