Saturday, September 26, 2009


Time passes so fast when I had so much to do while still waiting for my sweetheart to come back. But as soon as the day drew closer, time started to pass slower. Even though it did not make any sense at all, because time does not constantly change it rates of speed. Missing my sweetheart for a week is definitely something unbearable because even just a day, I felt like I have just lost an arm. How can I ever overcome the missing issue here?

Now: 22:45:00 Malaysian Time, SATURDAY.

Missing you in a term of hugging you.
Missing you in a term of kissing you.
Missing you in a term of caressing you.
Missing you in a term to turn you on.
Missing you in a term of your broad smiley face.
Missing you in a term of being a little girl trying to get your attention.
Missing you in a term of you pampering me with all your sensitive and romantic words.
Missing you in every terms that I crave the most now, JUST YOU.

My sweetheart, I'm being a good little girl now waiting for you to wrap me around your arms once again.

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