An archetype saying of a woman is that they are complicated and sophisticated. I have to agree upon that statement. Why am I saying so is because, from all the conversations with one of my closest friend,(aka my cousin) I have a slight understanding about woman more. Though I am one of them, but I never realized the truth when I discovered myself because I will always have a biased side upon myself. The more I explore on this particular topic, I realized that women always tend to think of a more complicated version on the outcome. This outcome normally is based on their emotion at that particular moment. For example, while I am in a happy mood, no matter what happen everything will be in a better form. But if I am in bad mood, everything will be like the end of the world. Is woman intuition always correct?
My work finally had become a less demanding workload. I am currently happy of where I am now, but not sure where the future outcome will bring me to. Everyone in the company seems to be very nice and I even went out jamming with them during weekend. But I'm not sure whether everyone appreciate what I am doing now. Some colleague might think I am a flirty and some may think that I am too loud and making commotion. No matter what, I am who I am and I will not let my women intuition of guessing game interrupting me.
This week is definitely a bitter sweet week. I had the best time with Mr.S on Friday and the worst time with Mr.S on Saturday. Friday we went out to the most perfect dinner and glad that he still appreciate the meaty session even though normally at that hours he only eat vegetables. We had the moment of sharing and lust of love after we both had something to drink. Well, as what he likes to put it as Satan's gift. The moment to me definitely will be unforgettable. We even almost hit another car (just between me and you at this point -.< *wink). However, just within the 24 hours the feeling of ups and downs can be so dramatic. Saturday is my convocation and I do enjoyed every moment shared with my friends and family. But during the night time, we had a slight misunderstanding. Mr.S forgot to bring down his mobile phone and he did not pick up my phone calls after the hour where we supposed to meet. I know I am in the wrong here of judging Mr.S that he might be doing something that is unfaithful, please accept my apologizes in that. I really do not want it to happen in that way. But the thing that I am not sorry to confront is the matter of another promises that you made with another girl. If you are reading this, I still do not understand why this question of "sleeping with other women" comes from? I still do not understand why this question pops up suddenly? I still do not understand why there is this question coming in between our conversation? When and how it happens? Though we had an agreement of making it works, but you still said that I am childish. This is not a small matter, even to the AMERICAN culture of a so-called more open minded. To you it seems irrational , but please do put it in another way if you are me. I am a human being after all that my feeling do count. Yes, I do believe that it will not happen, and I do believe that when you said that it is just sleeping and do nothing, but I do not believe that you still have the BRUTALLY HONESTY that you do not count in my feeling. I do hope that there aren't anymore stupid promises that you had made with other girls and I do hope that there aren't anymore promises that you are going to make that literally might hurt me in anyway. You went out with another woman for a drink I really do not mind and I had told you so many times that it is nothing to do with the drinking session. It is the "sleeping" issue that I am concern. Somehow I think that you breach the idea of my security upon you. Please do tell me, if I said now that I need to withdrawn some of my trust in you is it a fair count? I really like you and I said I will do anything to keep this the best that we can have. I am willing to say something that I might not agreed upon which is that I am willing to forget all and to remain of what we had before. To some, I might be the stupidest and silliest woman that agreed upon this statement and forget about it. After all, I said I really like you and I do. So, I am willing to do anything to make the best for both of us. I know there will be more to come that might upset me or you, but as I said before, please do not give up till we both think that we have no more energy left to sustain the relationship. It has only been 3 weeks, and so far we had the best and the worst at this point. I know there will be more to come and I am willing to stay on as long as you stand by me. My woman intuition here helps me to stay silly at one point and it helps me to strong in another way. I told you, I am strong, I am invisible and I am WOMAN, sophisticated and complicated woman.
Life: Being a woman is really hard, but yet I still love being a woman. Not because they have the advantages in many ways that some might said, but it is the sophistication and complication that makes it a mystery to us. Woman can be so strong at one point that even the strongest man cannot defeat upon by their power and might. Like Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Marie Antoinette, Georgiana Cavendish, Marilyn Monroe and Jane Austin. Their emotional are so colorful but yet their will power are even stronger to suppressed their desire. Admirable and legendary. But bear in mind that they are still woman after all, that they are fragile and easily break.