Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Everything and everyone is defined into different definitions. For example, I defined myself as a Casanova that only serve the purpose to serve and to give. Some might see it as a SLUT or a TRAMP. But to me, giving in that purposes does not mean it has no meaning of love contain inside. No matter in what position you are in, the intention of being in love or out of love, the essence of love still present. My Casanova version is a character that gives with the compassion of security and trust but does not make promises. This is a tricky one. I kept myself in love by giving the opponent the varieties of most human crave for, the compassion of keeping each other. In another term to define this is that all human being have the selfishness characteristic that hide beneath themselves. I always defined the world as a stage. It is a place that I have to act upon it and finish up with a bow that might not get the audience applause. I left the backstage and head on for another show to perform. This is how I categorized myself, or shall I say defining myself. In this world, there are different varieties of Casanova that perform in different type of stages. Some, keep promises to gain the feed of love but do not intend to stay in love. Some, make themselves as an item of love that need to be in possession of. Some, just lost in love, that always crave for something more from their love one. However what we define ourselves, come from our own definition to be oneself. Since there are so many varieties of Casanova, what will happen when both of "THE" Casanova fall in love with each other?

My workload had been lessen, thanks to my boss who is understanding. He decided to take the initiative to filter all my work given by the other department by reporting to him before passing on any jobs that might or might not be relevant to my scope of field. This is the most delighted news that I had received since all incidents that jumbled up together and bombarded onto my face. It will be even nicer if the proposal of hiring an intern to help me will be granted.

This topic today set me in the mood to be in neutral. I am neither in love nor out of love. But what I can define from this is to give and take. We gain something from every relationship and we eventually evolved from the lessons that we had learned. Some might still be in the circle of running out within the box that constrained them from learning. Frankly speaking, I am one of those that some lesson I still have not learn in upon. There are still so many more that I need to learn and I hope I will not be turning around the bush.

These few days my life has been very exhausting. The reason is not just because of the late night working overdue, but also the late night session of mediation in some certain area to get my mind out from all those misery. I am glad at one point because I felt very productive towards my life and not wasting any minutes and second. One of my dear friend once said, if you spend most of your time now, in the end you will have all the time that you want. This is how he define his life upon the time. As for me, life is something to be endured with unpredictable possibilities. Therefore, I always position myself in a spontaneous personalities and do my very best in every way I can.

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